About Us - Who We Are
SC3 is a 501C3 non-profit founded in January 2010. It is a Christian community coalition comprised of individuals, businesses, industry partners, service groups, churches, and other non-profits who work together for the good of our neighbors and our community.
Our Vision - The Purpose of Why We Exist
To break the multi-generational cycle of poverty and build a community where every child and adult will lead a healthy and purposeful life in a safe and vibrant neighborhood. A neighborhood in which residents choose to live, learn, work, worship, engage, play, and serve; to see our community, its places, people, and systems redeemed, empowered, transformed, and restored to reflect God's Kingdom on earth.
Our Mission - The Best Way to Accomplish our Purpose
Create an atmosphere and mold attitudes determined for transformational change by forming authentic neighborhood relationships and strong coalition partnerships, engaging in comprehensive empowerment programming, and investing in economic and community development that preserves dignity and ignites hope.
Our Strategy - Place, People, Tools, Program, Process
Provide a process of transformational change through a discipleship program that meets basic physical needs and then engages participants in healthy community and empowerment programs resulting in a self-sufficient purposeful life.
Our Process
Hope Refuge - Moving from survival to stabilization by meeting basic physical needs so participants can focus on long-term life transformation.
Hope Ignited - Beginning the steps of healing and restoration through healthy relational community so participants can experience life-long transformation.
Hope Soaring - Ensuring the long-term sustainability of life transformation by empowering and mobilizing so participants can move to self-sufficient, independent, purposeful living while remaining engaged in community.
Hope Rising - Preventing future generations from being caught in the cycle of poverty through children and youth programming that strengthens family.
Hope Ignited - Mobilizing the compassionate to join forces with SC3 as a catalyst for positive lasting impact by developing a platform that strengthens faith and provides an outlet to put our faith into action through community, service, and giving.