Rhonda Stelly
Dielle Barrentine
Tim Conner
Phillip Clophus
Paula Taylor
Our Board members serve for 3 years as our financial, legal, and moral governance. They are the fiduciaries who steer the organization towards a sustainable future and make sure that we have adequate resources to advance our mission.
Scott Taylor
Charlotte Thibodeaux
Blake Forman
Linda Louviere
Jeff Fruge
Bobbie Murphy
Mallie Bowers
Ashley Forman
Sonny King
David Morris
Sarah Monceaux
Jerry Dunn
Aaron Quinn
Tami Tolbert
Dru Ellender
Larry LaFleur
Natalie Morris
Diane Conner
Jackie Tabor
Chris Hill
Aaron Doxey
Cassie Taylor
Joanne Coleman
Our executive director focuses on building and balancing capacity; financial, human, and resources. She also supervises all organizational development; coalition, staff, Board, facilities and volunteers. As the strategic planner, she casts vision to our stakeholders, communicates and markets programming, handles public relations, and ensures meeting missional goals stays at our forefront.
An internship is something that you choose to do in order to develop your skills in a profession
The driving force of volunteering is your desire to help out